Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Anwar Vs Minister of what?


Watching the debate, one thing that really struck my mind was how lame our minister of information is. What a dissapointment...
After all the bravado projected in the built up to the debate, i would have expected Shabery to come prepared with all the facts and argument that will knock Anwar out, once & for all. Unfortunately his whole argument tonight seems to be centered in discrediting Anwar at all cost, without really debating on the actual issue. and for goodness sake, what's the point of bringing up Anwar's student days activities in this?
I can tolerate this line of argument if it comes from ordinary UMNO members or remarks made by some umno leaders in MSM, but to do that during the most anticipated debate of the year is just beyond me.
No comment on Anwar as everybody would have expected him to do what he does best and he is smart enough not to entertain that stupid personal attack.
But Shabery... seriously... is that all that you can do.
And I'm still waiting for your answer on what really happened to the more than 4bil saving on subsidies from the previous fuel hike. Hello... or did you answer that? is it just me who didn't get it?
Sorry sir... but if you job is to correct the misperception that rakyat have on the fuel issue, and to counter the so called misinformation and slander of the opposition towards the government, than in my book, you have failed miserably...

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